
പെൺകുട്ടികൾ ഉള്ളവർക്കായി ഒരു അടിപൊളി നിക്ഷേപ പദ്ധതി


It is a small deposit scheme for the girl child’s launched as a part of Beti Bachao Beti Padao. It can be open at any time after birth till she turns into 10 years with a minimum deposit of 250 rupees. In earner days it was 1000 rupees. The maximum amount of deposit is 1.5 lakh during the financial year. The account can be started at any post office or authorized branches of commercial banks. And you can also start accounts through the internet. The account remains operative till she gets married after 18 years or for 21 years from the date of its opening. When the girl turns 10, she can manage her account individually and payments can be done by parents. She can also use this money for higher education. She can withdraw 50% of the amount after she turns into 18 for higher studies. The depositor can open only one account in the name of the girl child. one can’t open 2 accounts for the same girl. The documents required to start Sukanya Samruthi Yojana account are;

  • Sukanya Samruthi Yojana account opening form (the application form can download from internet or will get it from the post office or the bank from where the account has been opened)
  • Photos
  • Birth certificate of the girl child
  • Identity proof of the depositor (parent or legal guardian) such as PAN card, ration card, driving license or passport.
  • Address proof of depositor such as passport, ration card, electricity bill, telephone bill, driving license, etc.

Once opened the account, you will get a passbook from the issuer. You can open an account by filling the application form and submit to the bank along with documents and photos. After opening the account, you can make deposits by cash, cheque or demand draft. This is one of the best schemes that can be started for girl children to support their higher educations.


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