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പാസ്സ്പോർട്ടിലെ അഡ്ഡ്രസ്സ്‌ എങ്ങനെ ഓൺലൈനായി ചേഞ്ച് ചെയ്യാം


There come to some situations when you have to change your address in your passport. This may happen due to your marriage, relocation to a new site, etc. How to change the address in the passport then? Is it easy or do we have to travel a lot for the same? It is easy to edit the address in the passport now, and that too online. Everyone can change their personal online address online through the Passport Service Portal. This will allow you to re-issue your passport with a renewed address or a new address.

Below is how you can change your address online and re-issue your passport:

1. To change the address on the passport, first visit the official website of the Passport Service Centre.
2. The website will show you all the necessary documents required to correct your address.
3. The Passport Service Centre will charge a website fee for re-issuing the passport. The rate may vary from time to time based on the applicant’s age and the reason for re-issuing the passport.
4. After checking the copy of the required documents, you can visit the Passport Service Portal again. Then click on the User Registration link.
5. Enter the required information correctly. Then you can choose from the list to visit the nearest passport office.
6. Enter the above information and click on the Register button.
7. The next step is to log in to the Passport Service Portal.
8. Then select the ‘Apply’ option from the ‘Applicant Home’ webpage and click on ‘Fresh Passport / Re-Issue of Passport’.
9. You can select the second option in the ‘Click Here’ list; This is where the application has to be filled online.
10. Here is the information like application type and passport booklet type.
11. Now select the ‘View Saved / Submitted Applications’ options.
12. Then click on the ‘Pay and Schedule Appointment’ link. Payment for re-issuance of passport should be made here. You can also choose a date to visit the nearest Passport Centre here.
13. Once you have received the payment receipt, you can go to the Selected Passport Service Centre or the Regional Passport Office. This receipt along with the required documents will be sent to the Passport Service Centre.


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