
100 രൂപയ്ക്ക് 30,000 രൂപയുടെ പരിരക്ഷ ലഭിക്കുന്ന എല്‍ ഐ സി യുടെ ആം ആദ്മി ഭീമാ യോജന


This is an insurance scheme introduced by the Government of India on 2nd October 2007. It is administrated under the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This insurance scheme offers insurance coverage to the head of the family. The benefits of Aam Admi Bhima Yojana Insurance are;

  • In case of natural death of the client, the other family members can claim an amount of 30000 rupees.
  • The policy offers 75000 rupees in case, the client has an accidental death or the client has any disability such as loss of both eyes or both limbs. The client can apply for insurance coverage by submitting the proper documents.
  • If the client lost anyone’s eye or one limb can apply for an insurance amount of 37500 rupees by submitting proper documents.
  • This scheme offers free to add on the benefit of rupees 100 per the client’s child (if the children are studying between 9-12 the standard). Every January and July, the amount will credit to the beneficiary account by NEFT. The scholarships are issued by the Nodal agencies.

A person aged between 18 – 59 can avail this insurance facility. This scheme is available only the families are below the poverty level in rural areas with landless households. If you want to claim the insurance amount, the client or client’s nominee (if the client is dead) should submit the documents related to the accident such as a copy of FIR, post mortem report, police inquest report and police conclusion report / final report by the police.

The documents required to start Aam Admi Bheema Yojana Insurance are;

  • Aadhar card
  • Family smart card
  • Extract from the birth register
  • Extract from school certificate
  • Voters list
  • Identity card

This is one of the best insurance scheme especially for the people who were below the poverty level.


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