
സാധാരണക്കാരനു ഒരു വീട്, സ്വകാര്യ പങ്കാളിത്തത്തോടെ കേന്ദ്ര പദ്ധതി


The central government has been heading towards a scheme to accomplish every common man’s dream. By the year 2022, the government will accomplish the schemes in partnership with the private sectors. The government has introduced 8 schemes for the investors in the private sectors. The online approval of the plan has started in Delhi and Mumbai. This plan will launch soon across 53 cities with a population of 10 Lakh. These schemes are allowed in rural areas along with urban areas. The government will declare National Rental Housing Policy and The Model Tendency Act soon. The two of the eight schemes are to construct houses on private land and the balance 6 schemes are to construct houses in the government’s land by the private sectors.  The government will provide an assistance of Rs. 2 Lakh for every house constructed by the private sectors.

Patterns that provided by the schemes to construct houses in private land are;

  • The central government will pay the interests as subsidy up to 2.5 Lakh of the loan amount. The subsidy is depending on the Prime minister’s Avas Yojana.
  • If you construct a house without taking a loan from banks, the government will provide 1,50,000 Rs as assistance.

The 6 plans by the government are;

  • DBT model- the private sectors can build home in the government’s land. The government will provide the full cost of construction. The houses should be handover to the government to sell the houses directly.
  • Inter-development- The government’s land will be given to the private sectors to build homes. The main aim of cross-subsidy is to provide houses for ordinary peoples at a low rate.
  • Annuity based subsidized housing- the private sectors will construct houses in the government’s land and the government will pay the estimated rate of house subsidy.
  • Annuity cum capital grant based housing- the private investors will get advances in regards to scheme yearly.
  • The direct ownership- the government will sell the houses to the private sectors. After that, they can sell directly to the public.
  • Rent based scheme- the private sectors can construct homes in the government’s land and they can earn their investment by renting the houses.


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