
വൈദ്യുതി കമ്പനിയിൽ ഗാങ്മാൻ ആകാം


തമിഴ് നാട് ഇലക്ട്രിസിറ്റി ബോർഡിൽ 5000 ഗ്യാങ്മാൻ ട്രെയിനീ പോസ്റ്റുകളിലേക്ക് അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിച്ചു.18 നും 35 നും ഇടയിൽ പ്രായം ഉള്ളവർക്ക് അപേക്ഷിക്കാം.അഞ്ചാം ക്‌ളാസ് ആണ് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ യോഗ്യത.15000 രൂപയാണ് സാലറി.

കൂടുതൽ വേണ്ട യോഗ്യതകൾ താഴെ നൽകുന്നു .

  • dequate knowledge of Tamil
  • 5th standerd പാസ്
  • Candidates who do not possess an adequate knowledge in Tamil may also apply. If

സെലെക്ഷൻ പ്രോസസ്സ് :

  • ഫിസിക്കൽ ടെസ്റ്റ്
  • എക്സാം
  • സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് വെരിഫിക്കേഷൻ


1) Candidate should apply only through Online in the TANGEDCO’s Website In the website the candidate can go to the online application portal by clicking the link.

2) The candidate should use a valid e-mail id and a valid mobile number for registration in online application. This email id and mobile number must be maintained active, as all the communications to the candidates from TANGEDCO will be sent only to the registered email id and mobile number.

3) The candidate must keep ready the details of Year of Passing, Transfer Certificate etc., in their hands before applying through online. 8

4) Before applying, the candidates should have the following items to be ready in CD or DVD or Pen drive as per the convenience of the candidates.

i) Scanned image of their photograph, signature and Thumb impression in jpeg format only with prescribed file size, resolution etc. The procedure for taking photograph, signature and Thumb impression are given with full details in the Guidelines to the candidates.

ii) Scanned copy of Community Certificate of the candidates belonging to BCO, BCM, MBC/DC, SC, SCA, ST (Not applicable to OC candidates) in PDF format only.

iii) Scanned copy of Educational Certificate, Priority certificates, PSTM, Destitute widow Certificates etc., of the candidates (whichever is applicable) in PDF format only.

iv) Scanned copy of the certificate for Differently abled (if applicable) in PDF format only.


1. Candidates are first required to log on to the TANGEDCO’s Website In the website the candidate can go to the Online application portal by clicking the link.

2. Follow the procedure given in the Guidelines to the candidates for applying in Online.

3. Applying through online have the following major procedures

a) One Time User Registration.

b) Candidate Profile updation which includes various sections like Personal Information, Educational Qualifications and Declaration section along with necessary relevant upload of scanned copy of documents.

c) Apply for the post.

d) Payment of Examination fees.

e) Download of Application form.

Note: The candidates must keep a copy of the application uploaded by them and produce the same as and when requested by the TANGEDCO during selection process.

4. After the candidate completes the One Time Registration, an USER ID with Password will be generated. The User ID & Password has to be kept confidential and do not disclose it to anyone.

5. This USER ID can be used for log on into the application portal for applying for various posts if the candidates are eligible for that post after updating the relevant profile information.

6. Candidates are required to upload their photograph, signature, and left hand thumb impression as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for scanning and upload of photograph, signature, and left hand thumb impression. If the candidate is coming under differently abled category and unable to take left hand thumb impression, then the candidate can take Right hand thumb impression. An online application uploaded without photograph, signature, and thumb impression will be rejected.

7. Candidates must upload the relevant scanned copies in PDF format.


ഒഫീഷ്യൽ നോട്ടിഫിക്കേഷൻ ആൻഡ് മോർ ഡീറ്റെയിൽസ് 


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