
റെയില്‍വേയില്‍ വീണ്ടും അവസരം | 1665 ഒഴിവുകള്‍


Online applications are invited by RRBs from eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals as brought out at Para 4 of CEN for various posts of Ministerial and Isolated Categories in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways. Applications complete in all respects should be submitted ONLINE to the Railway Recruitment Board of choice till 23.59hrs. of 16.04.2019.

Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the post(s) as on the closing date of online registration (07.04.2019).CANDIDATES WAITING FOR FINAL RESULTS OF PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONSHOULD NOT APPLY.

Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Application. Candidates need NOT send printouts of application or Certificates or copies to RRBs concerned by post. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith.

Stages of Exam: There shall be a Single Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Stenography Skill Test (SST)/Translation Test (TT)/Performance Test (PT)/Teaching Skill Test (TST) (as applicable) and document verification and medical examination thereafter. RRBs reserve the right to conduct the CBT in Single or multi stage mode.


The lower and upper age limit indicated for the post(s) in the Vacancy Table will be reckoned as on 01.07.2019.



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