
നിങ്ങളുടെ ബഡ്ജറ്റില്‍ എങ്ങനെ വീട് പണിയാം, 3 ലക്ഷമോ 5 ലക്ഷമോ എന്തും ആയിക്കോട്ടേ


If you are preparing to build a new home, here are some advice and suggestions from experts about how to build a house without unnecessary expenditure. So every step of house construction, everyone should be very careful when you spend money for material purchasing and more.

                         Proper planning is the main thing that everyone should do in the time of home construction. An open discussion is very important with the architecture of yours. Planning will help to improve your imagination about your house planning. The chance of increasing the cost of construction is high when to re-design your plan. Try to know the estimated cost and time before starting the work. After the creation of the plan design, tell the constructor to prepare a detailed estimate and work program charts before starting the work.

The cost of construction and building materials is depending on the size of the home. The house is having 3000 square feet and more will have to pay home accumulation and luxury taxes. Two storied houses are more profitable than a single storied house. It ensures that the land has the firmness of soil, electricity and water connection. If we build the house on mountains or in marshes, try to ensure that the land has the firmness of the soil.

The cost of a soil test is Rs. 3000. You can also ask the neighbours about their floor structure and the soil firmness. If the soil is almost the same as neighbour’s, their soil test results are enough. You can reduce the cost of construction if you build the house in a rectangular shape. Now a day, there is a trend to builds Veranda but it will be uncertain in future days. Try to find places for work area and storeroom in the kitchen. In low-cost concept, try to build an attached bathroom with master bedroom and a common bathroom. The bathtub is not necessary at home. It will become lumber in our home.

                  The best way to reduce the cost is, pay attention when you purchase the building materials. Try to buy construction materials from the shops that are near to your location. It will help to reduce transportation cost. Try to buy the sand and bricks in season. Meanwhile, in north Kerala try to buy bricks. By this, you can reduce the cost of materials. If you are purchased interlock bricks, it is important to know whether it is available in rural areas. This will help to reduce the amount of usage of sand and cement. There is no need for plastering and painting.

                  Try to buy wooden bundles together. It is the best way to reduce the cost of purchase. The price of the woods will be negotiable when you buy old wooden materials from the shop. There is no fixed price for old wooden material. The cost of carpentry work will also reduce through it. Try to avoid wooden frames for windows and doors. Those who need wooden frames, try to buy the cheap rate woods. The ordinary Portland cement is more suitable for home construction. If you buy a huge amount of cement at once, they will provide you with a discount. And they issue the cement test certificate if we request for that. The certificate is a written document that shows the quality of the cement. Try to mix the cement, sand and metal in the ratio of 1:2:4 respectively. The white coloured sanitary materials are less expensive as compare with the coloured materials. The doors made up of fibre or plastic will help to reduce the cost. It will be more profitable than wooden doors. The wiring materials and plumbing materials can be cheaper in areas such as bedrooms and prayer rooms.

                  Avoiding the separation of the work area, store room and kitchen will help us to reduce the cost of construction. Try to find a space in the kitchen for work area and storage space. By avoiding the concept of the patio will be more profitable than building a patio in the home. There are ready-made concrete mix is available on shops. It will reduce 30% of the cost of concrete. But this facility is only available in major cities if Kerala. If the thickness of the outside wall is 10 inches, the inner wall thickness is enough for 4.5 inches. It will reduce the usage of bricks and cement. Buying read-made septic tanks are more profitable than the constructed one. The construction of chimneys is not a fashion now.

                    The is no need for cement when we construct the foundation and try to build with mud. If you didn’t scrub with cement in the outside wall, we can reduce the cost of plastering and painting. You can gain Rs 50000 when you didn’t plaster 1500 square feet of wall. You can use plastic emulsion, acrylic distemper or washable distemper for painting purpose. Try to use low rate hand roles in stairs. When you construct a staircase, try to use steel materials and wood material. It will help to gain more profit.

 These are some advice to reduce the cost of construction recommended by experts.


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